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Network Debugger Commands (155,000 to 155,999)

These commands are general purpose tests to investigate the network setup and operation.

155,001 NetworkOverview

Fetches overview information about the network configuration on a machine.

155,001 Reply Packet

114SampleTimeDate/Time this sample was taken
Base + 0FlagsAttribute flags field
Base + 1ValueAttribute current value
Base + 2WorstAttribute worst value
Base + 3ThresholdReported threshold
Base + 4VendorVendor data

The Base value is derived from the formula
Base = (1,000,000*(1+Physical-Drive-Number)) + (Attribute-Id * 100)

The means the current value of attribute 3 for physical drive 0 will be stored in field (1,000,000*(1+0)) + (3 * 100) = 1,000,300