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sLink Pricebooks

Quick Notes

Don't have a pricebook and want to know how to format one? See Standard Templates

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Excel User Warning

If you use formulas in your pricebooks be aware that we use the unrounded amounts stored inside Excel, not the formatted output shown on screen. This can lead to small pricing differences (1c).
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One of the key requirements for retailers is the ability to easily digest and use pricebooks issued by suppliers.

This page is primarily a technical description for IT staff who may be investigating how this works.

Pricebooks and Pricelists (Supplier to Retailer)

Preferred Fields

Optional Fields

This is an example of a complex and fully completed pricebook. It shows the same product in different order quantities

Product CodeDescriptionBarcodeOuter QuantityOuter Cost PriceCanSplitUnit Size
ABC123Whiteboard marker94155689027713.00no30gm
ABC124Whiteboard marker941556890277100200.00no30gm

While there are many formats of pricebooks, the following are some examples that are hard coded to work. These hardcoded examples typically require all the columns shown below in the order shown. You are free to use your own column layout, but Fieldpine works by "reading" the column headers and trying to deduce meaning. If you have more data in your pricebook, please leave it in, Fieldpine will ignore data it does not recognise.

This format is used for products with Pharmaceutical codes. It does not include outer sizing, so all pricing is taken as "units"

Product CodeDescriptionBarcodePharmacodeW/SaleRRP
ABC123Immortal SPF15 Moist 60ml942190056995324252623.004.00

A common simple product list. It does not include outer sizing, so all pricing is taken as "units"

ItemDescriptionSales PriceRetail PriceBar code
10004RICE & MILLET PASTA SPIRALS 250GM3.004.00720516722028

A multi column layout. This is taken from a pricebook that suppliers expect to be faxed or emailed back to them. In general using multi column layouts are tricky for the system to handle and should be avoided. This layout does not include pricing.

DescriptionSizeOuter Quantity  CodeOrder
DescriptionSizeOuter Quantity
Coffee - Medium Ground   Coffee - Medium Ground
70.01.04Better Day Blend200g8 Outer   70.07.01Olive Oil500ml12 Outer
70.01.40Better Day Blend1kg1 Unit   Rice
70.01.02Decaf Mexican200g8 Outer   70.06.01White Jasmine Rice1kg12 Outer

Standard Templates

If you are able to easily create a pricebook specifically for retailers using Fieldpine, we suggest the following format. This is a very simple Excel spreadsheet. Fill in the columns you wish to use and either leave the others uncompleted or remove the columns you don't need.

Product CodeDescriptionBarcodeOuter QuantityOuter Cost PriceCanSplitUnit SizeUnit WeightOuter Weight
ABC123Whiteboard marker94155689027713.00noEach30gm
ABC124Whiteboard marker941556890277100200.00noEach30gm3Kg

Field Definitions

The following fields are available. Additional requirements can be added on request.

Product Code
The code you wish retailers to quote to order this exact product line. If you do not already have codes, we suggest simple letters/numbers and not too long.
Your name for the product. This should just be the name and should avoid repeating information in other fields if possible. For example "Lentils" is preferred, while "Lentils 300gm tin" is slightly less preferred.

Consider that this description will be shown to staff placing orders and they have selected which columns they want to see; they may not care about "300gm tin", or already be viewing these fields

The retail barcode showing on the item. Enter without any special formatting, do not add spaces to make it more readable. This value will probably be used directly by barcode scanners, so needs to reflect what they will scan.

If the product does not have a barcode, leave this field blank

Do not enter EAN "02xxxx" or "20xxxx" leading character barcodes unless you fully understand these barcode subsets and the rules around their use.

Warning for Excel Pricebooks

If you use Excel to supply a pricebook, and you use formulas to calculate some prices, then please note that we use the unformatted amounts, not the visual format on screen. This can lead to very small pricing differences with some order quantities.

For example, you create a Pricebook as follows

ItemDescriptionOuter PriceOuter QtyUnit Price
ABCExample Product10.006=C2 / D2

Excel will display the calculation as

ItemDescriptionOuter PriceOuter QtyUnit Price
ABCExample Product10.0061.666667

Most users will correct this "problem" by applying cell formatting to produce the price of 1.67 Unfortunately, if you read the spreadsheet directly then the value returned will be 1.66667. Fieldpine supports fractional pricing, so we will happily use 1.66667. In some cases, the computer may then choose to order 6x units at 1.66667, rather than 1x outer.

All this is very rare and unlikely to be much of an issue. This most likely problem is you will be surprised when you receive an order with pricing in fractions of a cent.

If you wish to avoid this problem, you can use the Excel ROUND() function. Then the internal stored price is as you want.

ItemDescriptionOuter PriceOuter QtyUnit Price
ABCExample Product10.006=ROUND(C2 / D2, 2)
ABCExample Product10.0061.67