Physical Database Documentation
Library Physical Database

Commonly Used Tables

Products Salelines Sales User Data Accounts Contactlog Eftposreceipts Eftposreceipts2 Locations Payments Pricemaps Reference Data Statetable System Data R_paymenttypes Salelog Usagetoken Analytics Data Ds_customer_a Ds_customer_b Ds_product_a Ds_sales_a Other Tables Accountadjustments Accountallocations Accountchangeslog Accountsupport Activitylog Advisor_actions Advisor_tests Allocatedrights Apikeys Apikeys_access Apikeys_lock Apikeys_resource_locks Apitxnlog Apitxnlogdata Asndetail Asnheader Asnheader2 Asnitem Attribute Attributedefinitions Authcodelog Autobalancerecon Autobalancereconlog Backgroundlog Barcode_patterns Barcodefailurelog Barcodeinvalid Barcodeoneoff Barcodeoneofflog Barcodepatterns Barcodes Barcodes_ean99 Barcodes_trade Barcodeusedlog Bisho_status Bistx Bookingres Bookingsales Bookingscans Bookingsessions Bulkloadlog Cabinets Callerid Cameradef Carriers Cashdraweractionlog Cashdrawerlog Cautionlist Ceres_productlist Chatheader Chatmessage Companies Configui Contact Contactdetails Contactdetailsmap Costchangesseen Counters Counters_log Createapps Customercardgroups Customercards Customermessages Customers Customersdcid Customersdcidrpt Customersdcids Customersdcidslinks Customerstate Customertracks Customertrackspending Decisiontreeheader Decisiontreelines Demographic Discountfilter Discounts Discountsmanual Docuheader Doculine Documentformats Documentparsematch Documentprocessing Documulti Doesnotexist Drivercashlog Ediauditlog Employees Eventaudit Expectedsales Expensetypes Faults_detail Fdlonline_enablematrix Feectl Fees Floatlog Flow_anchor_raw_string Fmea Fpuicontrol Fpuicontrol2 Franchise_barcodes Franchise_departments Franchise_products Franchise_products_original Futuredatachanges Futuretxns Gateways Geoareas Globalvalues Goodsinheader Goodsinhistory Goodszeropoint Headerreceive Headerreceive_head Heartbeat Hiregroup Httpurllog Idset2 Idsetctl Idsetdata Idsetdata2 Inventorylevels Ldflog Linkedserver Livepayments Livesalelines Livesales Localsaleflags Location_area Location_cab Location_tradingdays Longdatavalues Machinesuser Macro Maintlist Marketingprogram Measurements Media Mediacontrol Mediafiles Mediaresource Mediastorage Membership Membershipdata_all Messageformat Messageq Messageuser Messagingt Modifiergroups Modifierheaders Modifieritems Modifierpriceheader Modifierpriceline Modifierproductgroups Modifieruplifts Modififergroups Multichain_sourcemap Multilane Multilink_all Multiplu Networklane Networklane_environment Networklane_status Networklanecode Networklaneconfig Ordercategories Ordersreceived Ordersreceivedlines Orderstxns Overflow_gnap Overflow_tmpr Perfcounters Pidcoststatus Plicence Poheader Poheader_head Poheaderreceive Poheaderreceive_head Poline Poline_head Poms Posaudit Posendtypes Poshipping Poslat Posrelationships Prefsaleitems Pricebandmap Pricebands Pricebookcurrent Pricebooksource Pricebookspecialsheader Pricebookspecialsline Pricebufferdist Pricechangepending Pricegroups Pricehistory Pricemapsexceptions Priceoptions Pricerevision Priceused Printformats Printing_pending Printingformats Printingrules Procuserlogicline Product_cab_active Product_dispatch Product_dispatch_error Product_packsize Productattribute Productconnections Productconnectionstype Productcontrollog Productkitdef Productkits Productkitsext Productlocspacemap Productlocspacesets Products1 Products2 Products3 Products_category0 Products_category1 Products_costhistory Products_inventory Products_inventory_changes Products_inventory_point Products_overlay Productsbom Productsbomheader Productsinst Productslocation Productslocationbis Productsordering Productspacesets Productssale Productsupplier Productsupplierdist Productvariant Profanity Purchasecontrols Purchaseorderprocessing Qoh_pub Qtydiscounts Quickcodeaudit R_colors R_departments R_departments2 R_departments3 R_departments4 R_departments5 R_departments6 R_departments7 R_departments8 R_fashiongroups R_pgm_periods R_returnreasons R_sizes R_styles R_writeoffs Rcvstock Rcvstockline Receiptextn Remotecommands Remotecommandslog Rewardmovements Rewardprogramoptions Rewardprogrampids Rewardprograms Rewardprogramspids Rewardtxns Rewardtxnslog Sale_delivery Salealloc Salechangesaftercomplete Salechar Salecomments2 Saleinfo Salelines_cost Salelines_deleted Saleloadtrace Saleloadtraceline Sales_errors Sales_picking Sales_recall Sales_standingorders Salesdcid Saleservercommands Salesprofilesingle Salestaff Salestatistics Salesunpaid Salevar Salevar2 Samplelist Scriptmap Scripts Seritem Seritemlog Servercommands Settings Settingsactive Settingsdist Settingskv Settingskvdist Settingsmembership Settingspolicy Settingspolicymap Settlecashdetail Settlepaydetail Shelfvisit Shifttrack Ss_pricebuffer Staff Staff_eauth Staff_magid Staff_ownership Staff_rights Staff_stats Stafftablecontrol Staffused Staffused_log Statementhistory Stickies Stock_fifo Stock_lifo Stockcount Stockholdrequests Stockmovements Stockpoints Stockreceipts Stocktakedetail Stocktakedetail2 Stocktakemaster Stocktakesnapshot Stocktakesnapshot_tracked Stocktxnhdr Stocktxnitem Subscriptions Supplier_inventory Suppliermessages Supplierpricebook Supplierpricebookline Suppliers Suppliers2 Suppliersautoorder Svcaccount Svcards Svctxnhistory2 Tabledisthead Tablemgmt Taxrates Telephone_number_plans_override Ticketpricerequired Ticketpriceshowing Timeclock Timeclocklog Timeschedule Tmpr_log Tnotes Topology Tracelogic Trackeditem Trackeditemobservation Traffic_counts Transit_inventory Transit_inventory_lines Transit_request Transit_request_lines Triggers Tushlog Typesuser U_cw_cartridges U_cw_printers Upstream Userlogicvariable Valuedomainrule Vehicle_makes Vehicle_models Versioncontrol Verticalsecurity Voucher Voucherprogram Webgroup Webhooks Webpages Webpagesrules Worklist Workqueue Workqueuetx Internal Technical Tables B2backup Customers2 Customers3 Dbcomm Emailinrules Firewallrules Keylease Keyleasefreelist Localdb_datpq Localdb_datpq_inbound Localdb_lanetx_queue Localdb_membership_replicate Localdb_receivequeue Localdb_replicationstatus Localdb_salestechnicalaudit Localdb_sendqueue Localdb_sendqueuedata Localdb_settings Localdb_values_write Localdb_version Loginkeys Products4 Replicationcontrol Salememory Sales2 Serverprocessing Serverprocessingdates Tubtlocal Wipheader Wipline Deprecated Tables Auditsystem Pictures Retired Tables Biscontrol Cjl Eftpos_txns Linkproductspictures Pomprodlink Experimental Tables Keytranslate Posscriptpage Posscripttrigger

Authcodelog Database Table

Log of Authorisation challenges and responses


#100, Datatype: String 44 bytes
Unique internal key identifying this record
#101, Datatype: DateTime
Datetime UTC this record was created
#102, Datatype: String 44 bytes
Original challenge text
#103, Datatype: String 44 bytes
Returned Authorisation code
#104, Datatype: String 44 bytes
IP address of the caller generating the authorisation code
#105, Datatype: String 44 bytes
Unique id of the sale this auth record relates too, if applicable
#106, Datatype: Integer
#107, Datatype: Money/Currency
#108, Datatype: Money/Currency
#109, Datatype: Integer
What type of record this authlog contains

Possible Values

7Completed requested and used authorisation request
1Challenge code generated
2AuthCode generated
4AuthCode used
#110, Datatype: DateTime
Datetime UTC the authcode was created
#111, Datatype: DateTime
Datetime UTC the authcode was finally used
#112, Datatype: Integer
If a positive integer then it is the Teller Id who generated the Authorisation code. Negative values indicate special cases

Possible Values

-1Direct local authorisation password was used
-2Central authorisation password was used
-3Direct API authorisation password was used
#113, Datatype: String 120 bytes
Brief comments
#114, Datatype: String 94 bytes
Detected authentication id of the caller. This is typically the Windows login name
#115, Datatype: Integer
Indicates type of information held in CallerAuthId field


Records written to this table may include partial details, the following sequence explains the process

  1. An account attempts to go overlimit at a Point of Sale. The staff member is alerted and challenged for an AuthCode.
    The Point of Sale will write a record with the following information
    Physkey=Unique Key
    Challenge=Challenge Text displayed
    Physkeys=Unique Sale Key
  2. A head office staff member enters the challenge and generates an AuthCode which is given to the store
    A record with the following information will be written. The record written at step #1 may not be availble at this time, so two records will now exist for this challenge
    Physkey=Unique Key
    Challenge=Challenge Text displayed
    AuthCode=Generated AuthCode
    Plus details of who generated the AuthCode
  3. The store repeats the sale and enters the AuthcCode to complete the sale
    The Point of Sale will write a record with the following information
    Physkey=Unique Key
    Challenge=Challenge Text displayed
    AuthCode=Generated AuthCode
    Physkeys=Unique Sale Key
  4. OR, The customer changes their mind and does not continue. This can happen at steps 1, 2 or 3
    No additional information will be written if this happens
  5. The system will detect the records of type 1, 2 and 4, merging these into a single record of EntryType=7 and remove the records of type 1, 2 and 4.
    Physkey=Unique Key
    Challenge=Challenge Text displayed
    AuthCode=Generated AuthCode
    Physkeys=Unique Sale Key
    ADtu=Datetime the AuthCode was generated
    UDtu=Datetime the AuthCode was used

This table can be joined to the sales table with Sales.Physkey=AuthLogCode.PhyskeyS - note the final "S" on the AuthCodeLog table field name.